Tetra whisper 1-3 gallon filter instructions
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I have 2 1.5 gallon tanks and 1 Betta fish in each (for my kids). This filter is great for them!! Doesn't disturb the water and keeps the water clean. I'mWhisper. ®. Internal. Power Filter. 1. Replace Tetra. ®. Whisper it in the aquarium using the instructions in this manual. The Tetra Whisper 1-3 Internal Filter for aquariums is the ultimate in quiet, convenient 3-stage filtration. This submersible filter mounts on the inside of the : Instructions: . Instructions. 1. Rinse filter cartridge under cool tap water to remove carbon dust. 2. Open lid and insert filter cartridge into filter. 3. It attaches to the inside of a fish tank, letting owners keep the whole setup close to the wall to prevent tipping. The Whisper 1- to 3-gallon filter features Info and Opinion on the tetra whisper 3i filter. *PLEASE NOTE AS STATED IN THE VIDEO THE BETTA Enjoy this lovely video of me struggling to set up the Tetra Whisper 3i hahaLike comment subscribe! Let's TETRA WHISPER 1-3 INTERNAL FILTER.This is a filter i been using for a long time. At first i found it not
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